TALKING TEXTS: A Teacher’s Guide to Book Clubs across the Curriculum (Rowman & Littlefield)
Talking Texts shares classroom strategies and focus-lessons for facilitating, organizing, integrating, and assessing collaborative, small-group reading and teaching effective, supportive discussion techniques in Grade 3 through university classes—strategies that work for all types of text: novels and memoirs, short stories, informational texts and articles, poetry, folktales, and even textbooks in all content areas.
Talking Texts is a guide to help teachers and librarians to • teach social and discussion skills • choose texts to form genre, format, topic, and thematic book clubs • incorporate book clubs into reading workshop • teach reflective reading through reader response strategies (reproducible forms included) • assess students formatively by reading their reflections and observing book clubs in action • implementing book clubs across the curriculum and with a variety of texts
Talking Texts includes reprodicible reader response forms that support book club reading and meetings.
A very comprehensive review was written by literacy expert Vicky Spandel for "Six Traits Gurus."
The Introduction was written by noted literacy expert and friend Lester Laminack, and I was honored to receive cover endorsements from five other educators whom I respect:
Did you ever long to guide your students toward a deep understanding of literature, all the while helping them to love what they’re reading—indeed, to love reading itself? This book can show you the way. It’s short enough to devour in an evening, concise yet information-rich, and easy to follow from introduction to conclusion. It will show you in ten readable chapters how to set up and manage book clubs in your classroom—even if you’ve tried it unsuccessfully before, even if you think it’s too difficult for you, even if the very idea frightens you. You can do it. If you do (or make that When you do), then you and your students will discover together how richly rewarding the discussions incited by book clubs can be. You may never want to teach any other way. — Vicki Spandel, Six Trait Gurus
I first met Lesley Roessing in 2010 through the Coastal Savannah Writing Project where she Founding Director. Since that time, I have been her most eager student, gleaning her rich and innovative ideas for use in my classroom and in professional development with colleagues. I have been excited for each new book and have used the ideas found in them to transform the way that I teach and the ideas that I present to others. This book will be no exception. Teachers are hungry for books that offer proven, practical ideas that cover a multitude of ages and types of learners. More than that, they are eager for ideas that move their students from being reluctant readers to a place where they find their voice and are eager to share ideas found within the pages of a book. I believe that Talking Texts will do just that.— Barbara Grimm, Principal, Davidson River School
There is no doubt that students light up when the prospect of a book club is mentioned in my classrooms; the bonus is having Lesley Roessing visit with them too! The book club ideas and models outlined in Talking Texts encourage students to invest in their reading choices and to build robust reading skills as educators learn practical ways to facilitate and guide the reading experience. Lesley inspires important classroom conversations, shared from a mutually respectful perspective, which allow us to gather meaningful insight about our readers. — Heather Brougham-Cook, MS Language Arts, Cross Schools
Whenever I talk about the value of book clubs to teachers at workshops and conferences around the country, I am inevitably greeted with enthusiasm and one vital question, “How can I make book clubs work well in my classroom?” Lesley Roessing’s Talking Texts: A Teacher’s Guide to Book Clubs Across the Curriculum is the long-awaited answer to that question. Roessing’s book lays it all out for the busy teacher, discussing getting started, teaching the social skills needed for fruitful interaction around text, transitioning from reading workshop to book clubs, student self-reflection, assessment, and much more. The book is informed throughout by current research and best-practice instruction that is designed to help children become more engaged, more thoughtful, and better comprehending readers. For a current, informative, pragmatic guide to making book clubs work in the classroom, Talking Texts is tough to beat.-- Russ Walsh, Rider University, author of The Parent’s Guide to Public Education in the 21st Century
Talking Texts is a must-read for all middle grades ELA and content teachers. Using the strategies and techniques offered in this book, I have been able to initiate book clubs in my media center, my school, and beyond! Lesley Roessing does an excellent job of defining the purpose of both book and text clubs as well as providing clear strategies for developing and maintaining such clubs. This text considers the needs of educators by providing useful tips that are easy to implement—from giving advice on book selection to providing lessons on the social skills students need to collaborate to outlining authentic and engaging assessment. -- Kristi Craven, Media Specialist and 2019 Liberty County Teacher of the Year
Talking Texts will serve as a manual for teachers interested in encouraging and guiding self-selected reading but are uncertain where to begin. Lesley Roessing’s teaching expertise and her extensive knowledge and suggestions of children and young adult literature provide the guidance teachers need to begin “text clubs” from the ground up. Talking Texts includes advice from social interaction protocols to assessment guidelines, as well as an incredible model unit in the concluding chapter. -- Steven T. Bickmore, Associate Professor of English Education, University of Nevada Las Vegas; curator, Dr. Bickmore’s YA Wednesday Blog
Here is a comprehensive review of TALKING TEXTS by literary guru Vicki Spandel: